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Penetration Testing

Hacking is a prominent aspect in cyber space. It has two sides, good as well as bad. The system can be best protected by probing it, without causing damage to the system, so that the vulnerabilities can be found out and fixed subsequently.

The need for security auditing techniques has increased in the today’s age of offensive technologies. Now days, organizations are practicing Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) to protect their information systems. Penetration tester simulates how malicious hacker can try to attack the system, so that those security breaches can be patched accordingly. Thus various cyber threats can be effectively defended by conducting VAPT and security auditing techniques.

Ethical hacking and Penetration Testing are the terms used to describe the way of offensive security to make the system, web application or network more secure. Ethical hacker or penetration tester has a responsibility to find the loopholes in the security of the system so that they can be patched before those can be exploited by malicious attackers.

There are many VAPT tools such as Nmap, Nessus, Metasploit, etc. These can be used to identify vulnerabilities by scanning it. These security tools can be used as a part of preventive and defensive techniques by organizations to conduct audit of their security configurations.

On the other hand, these VAPT tools can be notorious tools for malicious hackers as there is a very thin line between Ethical and Malicious practice. Hence it is impossible to fill a gap between ethical and malicious hackers, but security measures should be improved.

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